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僕のヒーローアカデミア417話 Raw – My Hero Academia 417 Raw English

僕のヒーローアカデミア417話 Raw – My Hero Academia 417 Raw was released on  []   at the earliest. Please continue to follow us for updates!!!

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👉Read Now:  僕のヒーローアカデミア417話 Raw – My Hero Academia 417 Raw 

👉Read Now: 僕のヒーローアカデミア418話 Raw – My Hero Academia 418 Raw 

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僕のヒーローアカデミア417話 Raw – My Hero Academia 417 Raw English

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Page 1: The chapter begins with a gust of wind coming out of Shigaraki, creating waves and sending Hatsume’s robot flying away. The people watching the fight are confused, because it looks like Midoriya has entered Shigaraki’s finger cocoon

Page 2: The next page shows Deku inside the fingers throwing a punch that transfers all the users….

Page 3: … except for Nana. She calls out everyone else’s name, but soon realizes that she has been repelled due to her conflicting feelings regarding Shigaraki and Kotarou.

  僕のヒーローアカデミア408話 Raw – My Hero Academia 408 Raw

Page 4: When Deku’s about to ring the doorbell, he’s approached by…

Page 5: … a dark version of himself. “What are you planning? What will actually change if you know about the past?”. Deku realizes it’s Shigaraki talking to him and says he doesn’t know, but has to find out. Dark Deku says “die”. Deku only replies with “I’m coming in”

Page 6: Nana says that since Deku is an OFA user, he has taken on a physical form when entering Shigaraki’s unconscious world and can now interact with it. Deku is shocked to see Nana. She apologizes for being blocked. Deku says he’s glad to have her with him

Page 7: Nana says that this is Shigaraki’s core, his origin… where they can hit him. It’s the only chance they’ll have to defeat him. Deku runs to press the doorbell…

Page 8: …but Stain materializes and puts two knives to his neck. Stain then turns into Re:Destro who asks, “What do you stand for? What do you want to build?”. Re:Destro turns into Overhaul who asks “do you have a plan?”. Deku: “No! Now get out of my way”

  僕のヒーローアカデミア416話 Raw – My Hero Academia 416 Raw

Page 9: He runs away and opens the door, but it turns into that photo of Nana and baby Kotarou, while we hear the conversation between Hana and Tenko. Nana sees the photo and gets teary-eyed.

Page 10: Deku walks through the door and sees Kotarou beating his son. Nana starts crying and Deku runs towards them, but is blocked by Shigaraki’s rejection. Kotarou says that their grandmother is a demon who abandoned her own son

Page 11: Nana starts crying and Deku runs towards them, but is blocked by Shigaraki’s rejection. Kotarou says that their grandmother is a demon who abandoned her own son

Page 12: Nana thinks to herself that this isn’t true, that she was forced to leave him behind. She realizes that the wound she left on Kotarou ended up hurting Shigaraki too and blames herself for not being strong enough to defeat AFO and go back for her son

  僕のヒーローアカデミア420話 Raw – My Hero Academia 420 Raw

Page 13: Nana falls to the ground, but realizes she has to do something and wipes away her tears. “I’m sorry, Kotarou, for being such a weak mother. I’m sorry I never came back.”






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